Knees Up – my meniscus tear (knee) surgery journey

Pre Operation preparation fully starts today.

With knee operation day less than 7 weeks away it’s time to add a little more structure into strengthening my knee apart from any exercises I do while teaching that help and the daily dog walk. It’s #tipstuesday so I’m sharing my daily knee exercises for anyone who they may help. I rarely write myself a program and never have for my own surgery. Even though this is my line of work it’s a weird feeling – as if I’m my own client!

Pilates exercises pre op for Meniscus tear

Ankle Pumps

Sit on the floor with legs out straight, bend your ankles so that your toes alternate between pointing up toward your body and down away from your body. Repeat 10 times. It’s a good idea to develop a habit of performing this exercise several times a day. This is a great simple lower leg strengthener as well as a great ankle mobility exercise. It will help increase circulation to decrease swelling and lower the risk of blood clots post operation, too.

Modified Side lying leg lift

Lie on your side. Bend the bottom leg to help with balance. Keeping the top leg straight, lift it up toward the ceiling about as high as you can with the hips rolling out of position and lower under control, slowly opening and closing the legs. Repeat 10 times.

Leg Raises

Lay on your back, bend one knee and place the foot flat on the floor. This stabilises your body and minimises the strain on your back. Straighten the knee you are exercising. Keeping the leg straight with kneecap and the foot flexed, slowly lift the leg. Lower the leg back down slowly. Repeat 10 times.

If these exercises help please let me know and pop a comment to me. Thanks!